I started a new job. I recently wrote about leaving my last job, and I was subsequently off the past couple months. It was a nice break, but I was ready to rejoin the workforce. Here is some reflection from my time off and from my new career.
One week in
This is only my second week at work, but so far it has been a positive experience. The company seems to have a good culture, and the people have all been helpful and friendly. On the surface, it seems that I made a good choice in accepting this job.
A Strong Job Market
In the two months that I was off I went to eight interviews and received three job offers. I can’t speak to the country at large, but I can say that where I live the job market is still robust. If you are thinking of a career change now is a great time to make the jump.
I found this job through a recruiter on Indeed. As expected I chased a lot of dead ends, and I received an offer that was low paying. But, it didn’t take me long to land a quality job.
The Power of Healthy Finances
My former job became toxic, and the workload became overwhelming. Many of my former colleagues had no choice but to ride it out. Many were job searching, but they had to deal with the environment while they looked. I was in a position that allowed me to simply walk away.
Having no debt and some cash saved up definitely gave me the upper hand. I’ve written countless times about the importance of saving and paying down debt, but I was able to put that advice into practice in this situation. Not having to deal with a bad situation because of your finances was liberating.
My Time Off
I was able to take a nice mental break over the past couple months, but I did make sure to be productive. Many of the projects that I wanted to complete this summer both at home and at our cabin are already done. I also spent considerable time refining my resume and applying for jobs. This was the longest I was off since graduating college, so I didn’t feel any guilt about taking a break.
The Road Ahead
I started a new job. There is a lot to learn, but I am starting to catch on. I’ll be spending my time getting up to speed. There is also the matter of replenishing my savings from my time away from work. Beyond that, I am happy to be working again. Hopefully this job works out.
Read Also:
7 Tips to Help You Cut Down Your Debt
First 7 Things to Do After Becoming Debt Free

Based in the Pittsburgh, PA area, Brian holds full-time employment as a Warehouse Manager for an electronics firm. Brian enjoys wealth building, investing, gardening and the great outdoors. Brian holds a B.A. in Environmental Studies from the University of Pittsburgh and an MBA from Robert Morris University.