The first 30 days at my new job have come and gone. I’m starting to catch on to things, but there is still so much to learn. My savings account is being replenished, and I’ve made a few financial moves.
New job
I’m in manufacturing, and we have an extensive product line. This makes for a steep learning curve. I’m catching onto the computer system and to the plant layout, but the products are going to take time.
There are hundreds of configurations of the products that we build, so I’ll be learning them all for some time.
Thus far, I have been enjoying the role, the people, and my schedule. Management is easy to approach and understanding, and coworkers have been friendly and helpful. The computer system is somewhat intuitive, so navigating it hasn’t been a chore.
I’ll update again in a few months, but so far, I’m enjoying this career change.
The biggest move that I’ve made financially is that I finally rolled over an old 401K over to an IRA. It is now at the same brokerage firm where my Roth and my taxable account are at. The 401K was from two jobs ago and had a substantial sum in it. I kept pushing it to the back burner, but I finally decided to deal with it.
My other financial news is that I am finally able to start replenishing my savings account. I spent a significant amount building our deck and porch at our cabin. Couple that with me being out of work for two months, and my account was being drained. I’ll be rebuilding it for the next few months before I decide what move to make next.
It wouldn’t be summer without a few projects going on. I was able to finish a lot of things on my to-do list while I was off work, but there always seems to be more to do. I’ve finished up some trim work at our cabin, done more yard work at home, and helped a friend do a new roof and siding. Still to do this year is to paint the porch and seal the driveway.
Wrapping up
The first 30 days at my new job have come and gone. I’m ahead on projects, my savings account is being rebuilt, and I finally took care of my old 401K. I’ll report back in a few months, but so far, it’s been a good summer.
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Based in the Pittsburgh, PA area, Brian holds full-time employment as a Warehouse Manager for an electronics firm. Brian enjoys wealth building, investing, gardening and the great outdoors. Brian holds a B.A. in Environmental Studies from the University of Pittsburgh and an MBA from Robert Morris University.