Online shopping is incredibly convenient, but it can sometimes get expensive when it comes to shipping and other fees. The good news is that there are a few ways you can actually save money when shopping online. Here are some tips to keep in mind when you’re scrolling for deals.
1. Sign Up for Offers and Deals
Most brands tend to offer deals or discounts to customers based on their purchases because 91% of customers admit they are likely to shop with brands that give relevant offers and recommendations like personalized emails. Consider signing up for offers and deals to save anywhere from 15% to 20% off your online purchases. You can always unsubscribe from the deals and newsletters you sign up for. Also, be on the lookout for days when brands tend to offer discounts such as Memorial Day, Prime Day, Independence Day, and New Year’s.
2. Use Online Search Tools
If you’re looking for a highly specific product or piece of equipment while you’re online shopping such as a phone or laptop charger, memory card, or microchip, you can actually use online search tools to find what you’re looking for. An online search tool enables you to look for more than 50 million hard-to-find or obsolete parts. This allows you to avoid overpaying on other sites or paying for counterfeit products.
3. Use Cashback Sites
There are about 1.8 billion websites operating worldwide every day, and cashback sites make up a decent number of them. Cashback sites will save you money in the long run. How they work is that you use a cashback website to access a brand’s online store via an affiliated link. You’ll still be getting the item from the retailer of your choice, but you’ll also get some money from that cashback website. The money you earn back can range from 1% to 6%.
4. Learn to Outsmart Dynamic Pricing
Most companies use a tactic called dynamic pricing where the cost of a product changes depending on real-time demand and supply. Of course, other factors like your spending patterns and browsing history will also contribute to this. If you have ever looked up the cost of a refrigerator but didn’t buy it only to return and find the cost has gone up, it’s because of dynamic pricing. You can outsmart this system by clearing your browsing history or browsing while in incognito mode.
5. Do Your Shopping Seasonally
Most sellers stock up on their products depending on the season. When one season passes, whatever is left of that stock will be sold at a discount price because the retailer still wants to make a profit and bring in new stock. For instance, you can save some money by buying patio furniture in the fall. So, if possible, avoid buying products when they are most popular. Be a strategic shopper and wait until products are out of season before buying.
If you’re a frequent online shopper, make sure you’re taking into consideration the different ways you can save. From discount codes to cashback, there are easy methods to save money while you shop. Try out some of the tips above the next time you shop!