Coupon sites are everywhere. What started as a small online niche has grown into a huge internet phenomenon. Through an online coupon site, you can do everything from save $1.00 off your favorite cereal to book a dream trip to Fiji. Sometimes it seems like the deal is too good to be true, but often if you strike a deal at the right time there is serious money to be saved.
Things to Watch For
If it seems too good to be true, check into it more. Are they offering a family vacation for $100.00? Yeah it’s probably too good to be true or you’ll be required to sell an organ to get the price. Before ever buying from an online coupon site read the fine print! If the coupon site doesn’t have a disclaimer and you’re still unsure about the details, call. A reputable coupon site should have a contact number or, at the very least, form to fill in.
If the coupon site is offering a service (such as a car detail or carpet cleaning) check into the provider. Ask around and check online for reviews. A lot of the time these coupon sites are being used by start-up companies looking to drive a little traffic. This can be a lucrative marketing move for them if they have, or are looking to build, a good reputation. You have to be careful though. If there is absolutely no information available on the company, call them up and find out more details about them. I’ve hear horror stories about people getting burned. Friends of mine paid for a new company to do lawn aeration, didn’t look into anything, paid online for the service, called the company to book it only to find out the company closed over a month earlier. Despite their efforts we’re never able to recover their money.
If the coupon site is strictly offering coupons for products check that that coupons are valid and not expired.
Make sure the coupons are valid in your area. Though these sites usually require a postal code for verification, sometimes a deal on a national site may not be valid specifically in your area.
Read the fine print, over and over and over! This is especially true with travel deals but make sure there are no clauses or blackout periods, you may get a surprise to find that great hotel you booked isn’t actually available when you want to use it.
Sign Up!
Head on over to the most reputable coupon sites in your area and sign up to be on their mailing lists. This is the easiest way to make sure you don’t miss any deals and are privy to the best deals. Most of these coupon sites are tailored locally so will include local restaurants and events. If you’re unsure which coupon sites to use ask around or input the info into Google.
Coupon sites are a great way to score deals and save money on everything in life. If used properly, and with discretion, they can offer huge savings.
Do you use online coupon sites regularly? What’s the best deal you’ve found?
[Featured image courtesy of Mikey Burton]