Personal Financial Update – SEPT 2019

jar of coins

jar of coins

September has been a trying month for me so far.  My loving dog of 10 years passed away earlier in the month.  That has been a source of distraction from financial matters and from blogging, but I will give it my best.

Wealth Building

I have yet to make any adjustments in my saving or my investments.  I’m still allocating the same amount to my various funds at the first of every month.  My accounts have seen a nice run up with the recent market recovery.  They are sitting at near record high levels, floating right around $700,000.  Some changes will be taking place in October, however, as I want to start paying off debt at a more accelerated rate.


Debt continues to go down at around $1000 a month.  This will be accelerated starting next month.

Unforeseen expenses.

With the passing of our dog came some unexpected vet bills.  Luckily, I have the money to cover them, so the set back was minor at best.  It was more of an emotionally draining experience than a financial one.


I did have an offer at a part time job this past month, but I passed.  Working full time plus the blogging work that I do is enough on my plate for the time being.  There is value in a work life balance, at least for me, so for now I’m going to keep hat balance as it is.

Changes for Next Month

Starting in October I’m going to put more focus on paying down debt.  We have been working on our camp, paying as we go, so no new debt is being accumulated there.  The ultimate goal is to accelerate the payoff of everything but the mortgage.  I’m going to start with an old line of credit, then snowball that into my truck payment.  Then the student loans.  I’ll provide updates as I go.  Until next month.

In memory of my dear dog Leo

2009 – 2019

Rest in Peace.

See Also:

Get on Top of Debt: Pay Your Bills

Eliminate the Debt and Live Your Life

5 Essential Tips On How to Stay Out of Debt