If you want to take out a life insurance policy on someone, without them knowing, can you do so?
This may seem like a question that has its origins in not so innocent intention. It just seems like this would not be something you would want to do for a good reason. This isn’t necessary the case but whatever the reason, is it something you can actually do?
The simple answer to the question is no, not usually. So what are the details behind this answer, and why would anyone want to ask the question in the first place?
There could be a genuine reason for wanting this information
In today’s society we have a tendency to be untrusting so it may seem that anyone wanting to take out a life insurance policy on someone without them knowing would have nefarious intentions. This may not be the case at all. If you are a parent who has an adult child you may merely be worrying about their welfare.
It could be that they are not financially well off and you may be wanting to help them out with an insurance provision without them being aware you are doing so. On the other hand a grown up child may be looking to do the same thing for a parent so that the surviving partner is cared for if one member of a couple dies.
It doesn’t matter what the reason is behind the wish to take out the life insurance, you aren’t allowed to do it. Life insurance regulations and checks prevent this situation from occurring.
So how would the situation come to light?
If you were to apply for a life insurance policy in respect of someone who was not aware the illicit application would be discovered easily and quickly. The application process sees to this.
The application itself
No matter who is making a life insurance application, the signature of the insured person is always required. This is to prove that they are in agreement with the application. You can see how this would be a problem if the person who was being insured did not know your were making the application.
The life insurance medical
For many health insurance applications a medical is required as a follow up. It would be very difficult to hide the application from someone if they were asked to attend one of these medicals.
The application follow up
Some insurers have a follow up process as a double check on life insurance applications. This process often involves the making of a telephone call to the insured person. If discrepancies with the application hadn’t been discovered beforehand they would definitely become obvious at this point.
Is there ever a time when someone can be insured without knowing
Although you are not allowed to insure another person without their knowledge it is technically possible for a person to be covered by life insurance and not be aware of it. It doesn’t happen very often but a parent could take out a policy on a child before they reach the age of 18 and never tell them about it. A husband could also get his wife covered on an employer insurance program without her knowledge.
Generally speaking there is no provision for you being able to insure someone without their knowledge and agreement.